Kamailio APT Repos Archive

The archive with Debian/Ubuntu apt repositories for Kamailio SIP Server releases.

The repos are mirrored from https://deb.kamailio.org when a new version is released, only for maintained series.

To use a repository, add it to your apt sources.list, like:

  deb-src URL DISTRIBUTION main

For example, for using the repository corresponding to Kamailio v5.5.1 on Debian Buster (10), add:

  deb https://deb-archive.kamailio.org/repos/kamailio-5.5.1 buster main
  deb-src https://deb-archive.kamailio.org/repos/kamailio-5.5.1 buster main

The packages are signed with the same key used by https://deb.kamailio.org, it can be installed with:

  wget -O- https://deb-archive.kamailio.org/kamailiodebkey.gpg | sudo apt-key add -

NOTE: not all releases are listed below, but the coresponding repository may exist, for the release X.Y.Z, just browse https://deb-archive.kamailio.org/repos/kamailio-X.Y.Z to check if the archive exists or not.

Kamailio 5.8.x Series

Distributions: stretch, buster, bullseye, bookworm, xenial, bionic, focal, jammy

Version Date URL
5.8.1 2024-04-03 deb https://deb-archive.kamailio.org/repos/kamailio-5.8.1

Kamailio 5.7.x Series

Distributions: stretch, buster, bullseye, bookworm, xenial, bionic, focal, jammy

Version Date URL
5.7.4 2024-01-18 deb https://deb-archive.kamailio.org/repos/kamailio-5.7.4
5.7.3 2023-11-17 deb https://deb-archive.kamailio.org/repos/kamailio-5.7.3
5.7.2 2023-09-27 deb https://deb-archive.kamailio.org/repos/kamailio-5.7.2

Kamailio 5.6.x Series

Distributions: jessie, stretch, buster, bullseye, bookworm, trusty, xenial, bionic, focal, jammy

Version Date URL
5.6.5 2023-11-23 deb https://deb-archive.kamailio.org/repos/kamailio-5.6.5
5.6.2 2022-10-06 deb https://deb-archive.kamailio.org/repos/kamailio-5.6.2
5.6.1 2022-07-06 deb https://deb-archive.kamailio.org/repos/kamailio-5.6.1
5.6.0 2022-05-23 deb https://deb-archive.kamailio.org/repos/kamailio-5.6.0

Kamailio 5.5.x Series

Distributions: jessie, stretch, buster, trusty, xenial, bionic, focal

Version Date URL
5.5.5 2022-09-19 deb https://deb-archive.kamailio.org/repos/kamailio-5.5.5
5.5.4 2022-02-17 deb https://deb-archive.kamailio.org/repos/kamailio-5.5.4
5.5.2 2021-08-25 deb https://deb-archive.kamailio.org/repos/kamailio-5.5.2
5.5.1 2021-06-15 deb https://deb-archive.kamailio.org/repos/kamailio-5.5.1

Kamailio 5.4.x Series

Distributions: jessie, stretch, buster, trusty, xenial, bionic, focal

Version Date URL
5.4.9 2022-09-16 deb https://deb-archive.kamailio.org/repos/kamailio-5.4.9
5.4.8 2022-03-09 deb https://deb-archive.kamailio.org/repos/kamailio-5.4.8
5.4.7 2021-09-22 deb https://deb-archive.kamailio.org/repos/kamailio-5.4.7
5.4.6 2021-06-02 deb https://deb-archive.kamailio.org/repos/kamailio-5.4.6

Kamailio 5.3.x Series

Distributions: jessie, stretch, buster, trusty, xenial, bionic

Version Date URL
5.3.9 2021-12-08 deb https://deb-archive.kamailio.org/repos/kamailio-5.3.9
5.3.8 2020-12-21 deb https://deb-archive.kamailio.org/repos/kamailio-5.3.8

Go to kamailio.org

For questions email to sr-dev@lists.kamailio.org